Psychological counseling center
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Psychological resources
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Psychological resources
Current Location: 首页>>Psychological resources
· [Clear flow of mind] Psychological secrets of the brain 2022-07-04 
· [Clear flow of mind] "Always sit in the front row" spirit 2022-06-27 
· [Clear flow of mind] Forget frustrated dreams and give hope to tomorrow 2022-06-20 
· [Clear flow of mind] Owning a dog is better for the body and mind than owning a cat? 2022-06-13 
· [Clear flow of mind] How Men Say "I love You" with Silence 2022-06-06 

· [Clear flow of mind] Personality based on the music you like! 2022-05-30 
· [Clear flow of mind] The tears of youth are like flowers 2022-05-23 
· [Clear flow of mind] Laughter prolongs life 2022-05-16 
· [Clear flow of mind] Why do our tears flow? 2022-05-09 
· [Clear flow of mind] A weeping woman is not lovely 2022-05-02 

· [Clear flow of mind] Lover in the side of the dream come true 2022-04-25 
· [Clear flow of mind] Mental common sense: alarm clocks are bad for your health 2022-04-18 
· [Clear flow of mind] Psychological tip: Love words are more effective when spoken in the left ear!! 2022-04-11 
· [Clear flow of mind] Future and past 2022-03-28 
· [Clear flow of mind] How to apologize more effectively? 2022-03-21 
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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012